OK1COM 1296 MHz
Locator: JO70LR QTH: Jested Category: single

UHF Contest 2004

First operator's name and call: HONZA OK1COM
Address for correspondence: V Jez¡rku 747, 252 43, Pr…honice
Second operator calls: OK1COM
Contest QTH: Jested
Height A.S.L.: 1012 m
Transceiver: FT-847+XVRT
TX power: 20 W
Antenna: 35el.yagi

Number of QSO: 25 Average 117.6 km/QSO Best DX Call: OE3A Best DX: 314 km

Countries worked:
19xOK, 4xDL, 1xOE, 1xSP

Total sum of points:  
2 939

I declare that I have observed the contest rules as well as the licensing rules and that the above data are correct to the best of my belief.
I accept the rulling of the contest commitee as a final.

Date: 20041002 First operator's signature: ............................................

UHF Contest 2004 1296 MHz OK1COM

2004100214:31OL4A 59 001 59 019 JO60RN 107 
14:33DL0TUD 59 002 59001 JO60LK 145 
14:37OK1AIG 59 003 59003 JO70NN 22 
14:38OK1VEC 59 004 59016 JO60LJ 146 
14:39OK1KPA 59 005 59010 JN79US 119 
14:41OK2KGB 59 006 59013 JN79QJ 151 
14:43OL3Z 59 007 59014 JN79FX 91 
14:44DK0GNO 59 008 59012 JO60QU 112 
14:47OK1IEI 59 009 59008 JO70EC 81 
14:48OK1ES 59 010 59003 JO70GU 32 
14:49OK2BFF 59 011 59006 JO80HB 139 
14:51OL6R 59 012 59010 JN79VS 122 
14:54OL1B 59 013 59024 JO80IB 144 
15:46OE3A 59 014 59026 JN77XX 314ODX
17:20OK1MKQ 59 015 59029 JO70DP 48 
18:00OK1KIR 59 016 59048 JO60PM 120 
19:20OK2JI57 017 57035 JN89MW 172 
19:43OK1VVM 59 018 59019 JO70CQ 53 
19:49OK1KKD 59 019 59025 JO60WD 100 
20:33OK1UEI 59 020 59024 JO70SS 41 
20:36OK1KIK 59 021 59053 JO70TQ 47 
21:32OK1OPT 59 022 59032 JN69NX 154 
21:35SN7V 59 023 59012 JO71VQ 121 
22:53DL5YWM 59 024 59 016 JO61OA 127 
2004100304:36DC7QH 59 025 53015 JO62QN 231 

Contest log Atalanta Locator ver. 12.14 by OK1DUO